Tuition & Fees

Tuition Per Family:

  • Yearly Upfront – $650 per family (due by August 10th)
  • OR
  • $70 Monthly per family (due by the 10th each month, $700 year total – 10 months – August to May)

Other Fees:

  • Yearly Class Costs – Range from $300 per class to $425 per class upfront at the beginning of the school year
    • For example, a student taking 5 classes at CCA could pay $2000 (5 classes at $400 a piece)
  • Class Supplies (family buys) – textbooks, books for writing, paper, pencils, pens markers, art supplies, computer, etc.
  • Study Hall (optional) – $100 annual fee per family
  • Yearbook (optional) – $55 per yearbook
  • Iowa Standardized Testing (optional) – $25 per student
  • PSAT Preparation (optional) – $25 per student
  • High School Fee (9th-12th grade) – $100 per student
  • CCA Senior Fee – $120 per student (includes diploma, mini diploma, cap, tassel, gown, etc)
  • Cooperative (Co-Op optional, paid once a year) – $150 for 1 child , $190 for 2-3 children , $230 for 4+ children
  • Sharp Arrows Preschool – $100 per family per year plus field trip costs
  • Use of Library and Curriculum Checkout – FREE

All Fees (except class fees) due by 10th of month

  • Late fee of $10 per invoice assessed beginning the 11th of each month

Example Cost Breakdown for 1 Student Taking 5 Classes From CCA Teachers:

  • 5 classes at CCA ($300, $360, $360, $400, $425) = $1845
  • Study Hall = $100
  • Yearbook = $55
  • IOWA Testing = $25
  • Cooperative = $150
  • Supplies (books, paper, pencils, pens, markers, art supplies) = $200
  • Laptop Computer (not required, but nice for writing class) = $500

 Total = $2875